withings-sync on debian buster

Since Withings migrates to OAuth 2.0 by 2021-09, I felt it was time to update the flaky sync solution I had running so far.

Now running https://github.com/jaroslawhartman/withings-sync with debian’s virtualenv:

apt install virtualenv python3-virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 withings-sync
source withings-sync/bin/activate
pip install withings-sync
export WITHINGS_USER=you

(get token, then set up a regular job to sync)

$ cat sync.sh
source withings-sync/bin/activate
export WITHINGS_USER=you
export GARMIN_USERNAME=you-but-on-garmin
export GARMIN_PASSWORD=your-garmin-password
$ chmod 700 sync.sh
crontab -e
12 4 * * * cronic /home/you/sync.sh

Tim Ferriss: The 4-Hour Body

After having attempted to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_4-Hour_Body (https://tim.blog/category/the-4-hour-body/) before, and stopping half way through, I finally found the time to read the second half of the book as well.

Seen as a guide to various health and fitness related aspects to dive deeper into, I think the book does a reasonable job. – There are a couple of things I hadn’t heard about before (and a couple which are so far out of my horizon, I don’t think I’d ever have learned about them, if it weren’t for the book (baseball..)) providing a reasonable increase in knowledge spectrum.

Tim Ferriss – The 4-Hour Body